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The Care Shop
What we do, Diagnostics, Air Conditioning
“Great place for car work, about $50-200 bucks cheaper than some other the other shops on the same road or next door, brought my car there last time and they bled the brakes for $50 bucks when all the other shops in chino wanted $80-90 so I like them,...”
Are you AAA Approved?
Yes, we are! Being an AAA Approved Auto Repair facility means that they have thoroughly inspected our business and are comfortable referring AAA Members to our shop for repairs. Then, they do what you couldn't normally do. They ask us for 100's of our actual customer invoices to inspect. Then, they survey our customers to find out how well we cared for them. Then AAA asks our customers if we did the work right, did it on time, if they were happy with our service, and more. This should assure you that you are in good hands.
How can I expect to be treated?
This is the area where we get the most compliments. We are friendly people that truly care about you and your car. We are easy to get along with and we don't talk down to you. When you want it, we educate you on our service so you understand it well. We don't try to confuse you with technical lingo either. We truly want you to be in our family of customers. We want you to feel great about doing business with us so that you will come back and tell your friends and relatives about The Care Shop.
How do your prices compare?
We believe in affordable auto repair, but we don't believe in cutting corners! To do the job right, we must hire quality, competent staff that has the experience and know-how to service your vehicle properly the first time. Then, we must equip them with current tools, equipment and manufacturer resources to allow them to service your cars. And finally, we must choose the right parts for your vehicle. Being a factory minded auto care center helps us to make sure we get the very best parts for the job. Original Equipment Service (OES) is one of our main sources of replacement parts for your vehicle. We choose the right part that gives you reliability and peace of mind. You can be assured that we won't cut corners (as some shops may) in choosing the parts for your repairs and maintenance. We know from experience that would only bring you problems. Generally, our customers tell us we save them money compared to the dealerships.
What kind of quality can I expect?
Expert workmanship is the cornerstone of our business. The proof is in our outstanding ratings with the AAA, the Bureau of Automotive Repair, and what our customers are saying about their experience with The Care Shop. Our technicians have either an ASE Master or ASE Certified designation. These certifications are earned through continual training and skills assessments by the ASE (the Institute for Automotive Excellence). High quality standards, expert workmanship along with personal care and attention to detail have become the hallmarks of our growth. And with over 40 years of experience in the industry you get the wisdom of over four decades, and we offer a 3yr-36k mile warranty.
More detailed information is available on the FAQ page of our website.