Best Brakes Repair & Pad Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI

The highest-rated Brake Inspection, Service & Repair companies out of 183 vetted & reviewed in the Grand Rapids area.

Auto Centric

Auto Centric

Brake Service and Repair, Wheel Alignment, Engine Diagnostics and Repair
“Auto Centric did a full inspection for us and after a clean bill of health from them we made the purchase with full confidence that we had found the right car for our family.”
Remote Consultations Available
ASE, ASE, ASE, ASE Certified
Coupons & Offers
Locally Owned & Operated
5355 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Community Automotive Repair

Community Automotive Repair

APR Tuning, Services, EV / Hybrid
“On the drive to Grand Rapids, my 2005 Toyota Camry began having a bad vibration that felt like it was coming underneath the steering wheel near the tire/axle.”
Offers Financing Options
ASE Certified
In Business Since 1978
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
846 Fulton St E, Grand Rapids, MI
Leo and Eds

Leo and Eds

Brakes - Exhaust, General Repairs, Tires - Batteries
“Services Transmission, Air & cabin filter replacement, Exhaust, Tires, Steering & suspension repair, Electrical, Auto engine diagnostic, Wheel alignment, Brakes, Air conditioning, Brake service & repair, Battery, Oil change”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 1996
1576 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Legacy Auto-Tech

Legacy Auto-Tech

  • Estimate
  • Diagnosed
  • Communication
“My car was making a funny noise and they told me to just bring my car by so they could test drive it and let me know if it was something to fix urgently!”
Coupons & Offers
ASE Certified
Family Business
In Business Since 1971
2349 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Meekhof Tire

Meekhof Tire

“Went in to have 2 tires patched and they had me in and out very quickly even though it looked very busy, and also had plenty of seating in their waiting area.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1999
Accepts Check
1640 Olson St NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Ervine's Auto Repair

Ervine's Auto Repair

Engine Repair & Replacement, Shocks & Struts, Brake Repair
“Ervines Auto Repair was referred to me as a highly professional auto repair service in the Grand Rapids metro area that treats customers with honesty and integrity”
ASE, ASE Certified
In Business Since 1994
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
4311 Stafford Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Cascade Hills Auto & Towing

Cascade Hills Auto & Towing

  • Communication
  • Work
  • Vehicles
“They were able to get it fixed and let me know there is another issue but did not press me to fix it, in fact unlike a lot of places, they let me know it could wait since I could not afford to fix it as well.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1967
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
4975 Starr St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Ed & Dave's Auto Service

Ed & Dave's Auto Service

Tires, Maintenance, Repairs
“He always recommended I go there with my vehicle and I did in the past well now I'm back up here in Michigan, I'd like to bring my other car in to have them service it as well.”
Remote Consultations Available
ASE Certified
In Business Since 1987
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
5066 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Jacks Service Center

Jacks Service Center

Engine & Transmission, Brake Service, Wheel Alignment
“I took my car to jacks this morning because my brakes were absolutely shot and I was told they would have it looked at and fixed tomorrow which was ok with me.”
Family Business
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1963
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check
850 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Northeast Automotive

Northeast Automotive

Ignition Wire & Cables, Distributorless Ignition, Oil Lube & Filter
“My wife and I started bringing our cars here based on their reputation, they fit us in their schedule and Kevin keeps us posted on the status, its been great.”
Remote Consultations Available
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2011
1156 Knapp St NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Palmer's Service Inc

Palmer's Service Inc

Brakes and a/C Work, Suspensions, Engine Diagnostics
“Originally brought my vehicle in for a wheel alignment but was informed that I had some bad upper and lower control arms and other suspension parts that needed to be replaced ASAP.”
Family Business
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1988
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
3357 Remembrance Rd NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Spaanstra Bros Automotive

Spaanstra Bros Automotive

Napa Web Tools
“I have brought my car in twice now and Tom was so helpful, thorough, honest and made the time to explain the issues with my car and what needed to be done right away and what could wait.”
ASE Certified
In Business Since 1949
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
939 Fulton St E, Grand Rapids, MI
Heritage Service Centre

Heritage Service Centre

  • Lie
  • Team
  • Vehicle
“He and his son Mike (the guy behind the counter and answering the phone most of the time) I consider friends but even if that were not the case I would still give them the highest recommendation possible.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1993
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
1044 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Global Autoworks

Global Autoworks

Diesel Fuel
“2nd appointment happens tomorrow so I can get to see my family this coming week without finding myself stranded with a possible broken serpentine belt.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2018
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Pro Am Collision & Mechanical

Pro Am Collision & Mechanical

Restorations, Free Estimates, Suspension
“I reached out to a few other shops but they weren't accepting new jobs and are a few months behind before they could even get my car in, but they got us in right away!”
Family Business
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1991
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
5285 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Auto Fixit Body Shop Inc

Auto Fixit Body Shop Inc

Air Conditioning, Lube, Oil and Filters, Brake Repair
“I had an unexpected issue with my car that wasn't too major because I caught it early but I needed addressed sooner rather than later or else it could've been worse.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1943
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
805 Ottawa Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Russ's Service Garage

Russ's Service Garage

Maintenance, Towing, Alignments
“I was able to talk to the me mechanic who was the one who fixed it , was able to ask if he noticed anything else that caught his eye that might need attention.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1937
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check, Debit, Travelers checks
801 Butterworth St SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Cascade Automotive Service

Cascade Automotive Service

Transmission Service, Shocks & Struts, Wiper Blades
“On another occasion when an emergency repair was needed the main Nissan dealer on 28th street quoted well over $1000 for on-the-spot repair and several parts extra.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Family Business
In Business Since 1987
6751 Old 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
South Kent Frame & Alinement

South Kent Frame & Alinement

  • Integrity
  • Price
  • Work
“The most recent time we had our car's breaks replaced, the next day we noticed some unusual squeaking - we contacted the company and they gladly brought it in the next day and fixed it at no additional cost!”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1979
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
5817 Division St, Grand Rapids, MI
Accurate Alignment & Brake Service

Accurate Alignment & Brake Service

Brake Products, Vehicles We Service, Steering
“Although the repairs were costly and took over a week, Scott kept me informed and they took the time to show me the old parts and explain what had to be replaced.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1983
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
4039 Stafford Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Van Laar's Auto Service

Van Laar's Auto Service

  • School
  • Brakes
  • Honest
“They were open about the costs, not trying to upsell me, and they wrote up a quote for repairing a suspension issue they saw and the wheel alignment once the repair was done.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1960
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
6640 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI
Coit Auto Care

Coit Auto Care

  • Job
  • Vehicle
  • Fair
“Towed my car there for a starter issue, other shops wouldn't take it until Tuesday (it was towed Thursday) heard back by 1pm the next day it was done and ready to be picked up.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1997
3034 Coit Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Hybrid

Grand Rapids Hybrid

Engine Repair & Replacement, Shocks & Struts, Brake Repair
“One of the things that impressed me the most was how Eric took the time to explain to me the whole process regarding the high voltage battery and how it's typical for them to need replacement at this age.”
ASE Certified
In Business Since 1997
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
4307 Stafford Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Best Price Auto Repair

Best Price Auto Repair

  • Job
  • Jesus
  • Honest
“Stopped in to see if they could inspect a couple of cars that I was looking at to buy and he took me for a test drive and inspected under the hood and the underside of the car on the hoist.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2012
46 Hall St SE, Grand Rapids, MI

Brake Services in Grand Rapids, MI Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 264 cost profiles
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Successfully copied!
Average Cost $183
Minimum cost $49
Maximum cost $670
Avg Per Hour Rates $108

Average range $159 to $366 is based on 264 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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