Best Car Air Conditioning Repair in Grand Rapids, MI

The highest-rated Auto A/C Repair and Recharge companies out of 135 vetted & reviewed in the Grand Rapids area.

Auto Centric

Auto Centric

Brake Service and Repair, Wheel Alignment, Engine Diagnostics and Repair
“Auto Centric did a full inspection for us and after a clean bill of health from them we made the purchase with full confidence that we had found the right car for our family.”
Remote Consultations Available
ASE, ASE, ASE, ASE Certified
Coupons & Offers
Family Business
5355 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Leo and Eds

Leo and Eds

Brakes - Exhaust, Tires - Batteries, General Repairs
“Services Transmission, Air & cabin filter replacement, Exhaust, Tires, Steering & suspension repair, Electrical, Auto engine diagnostic, Wheel alignment, Brakes, Air conditioning, Brake service & repair, Battery, Oil change”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Free Initial Consultation
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
1576 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Legacy Auto-Tech

Legacy Auto-Tech

  • Diagnosed
  • Communication
  • Job
“My car was making a funny noise and they told me to just bring my car by so they could test drive it and let me know if it was something to fix urgently!”
Coupons & Offers
ASE Certified
Family Business
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
2349 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Meekhof Tire

Meekhof Tire

“Went in to have 2 tires patched and they had me in and out very quickly even though it looked very busy, and also had plenty of seating in their waiting area.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts Check
In Business Since 2001
1640 Olson St NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Ervine's Auto Repair

Ervine's Auto Repair

Wiper Blades, Starting and Charging, Factory Maintenance
“Even then--when there was no more money to be made from helping me--Ervine's went above and beyond to connect me with someone who purchase it for fair price.”
ASE, ASE Certified
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1994
4311 Stafford Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Heritage Service Centre

Heritage Service Centre

  • Team
  • Vehicle
  • Work
“He and his son Mike (the guy behind the counter and answering the phone most of the time) I consider friends but even if that were not the case I would still give them the highest recommendation possible.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1993
1044 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Russ's Service Garage

Russ's Service Garage

Maintenance, Towing, Alignments
“I was able to talk to the me mechanic who was the one who fixed it , was able to ask if he noticed anything else that caught his eye that might need attention.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check, Debit, Travelers checks
In Business Since 1935
801 Butterworth St SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Cascade Automotive Service

Cascade Automotive Service

Transmission Service, Shocks & Struts, Wiper Blades
“On another occasion when an emergency repair was needed the main Nissan dealer on 28th street quoted well over $1000 for on-the-spot repair and several parts extra.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Family Business
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
6751 Old 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
All Auto Services

All Auto Services

Major Repairs, Auto Repair in Grand Rapids, MI, Auto Charging and Starting System
“My 2018 Subaru Outback is my baby and I have only brought him to All Auto for minor services, but each time they have been very nice over the phone and professional in person.”
Coupons & Offers
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2009
1234 Ball Ave NE #3, Grand Rapids, MI
Thomsons Auto Repair Inc.

Thomsons Auto Repair Inc.

“Thompsons is always fair on pricing, they get the repairs finished quickly and also they get the repairs done the correct way the first time and every time.”
Free Initial Consultation
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2011
1850 28th St SE suite 200, Grand Rapids, MI
Van Laar's Auto Service

Van Laar's Auto Service

  • Brakes
  • Honest
  • Work
“They were open about the costs, not trying to upsell me, and they wrote up a quote for repairing a suspension issue they saw and the wheel alignment once the repair was done.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1960
6640 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI
Coit Auto Care

Coit Auto Care

  • Job
  • Vehicle
  • Fair
“Towed my car there for a starter issue, other shops wouldn't take it until Tuesday (it was towed Thursday) heard back by 1pm the next day it was done and ready to be picked up.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1995
3034 Coit Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Best Price Auto Repair

Best Price Auto Repair

  • Job
  • Jesus
  • Honest
“Stopped in to see if they could inspect a couple of cars that I was looking at to buy and he took me for a test drive and inspected under the hood and the underside of the car on the hoist.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2012
46 Hall St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Motorcar Service

Grand Rapids Motorcar Service

Nationwide Warranty, Financing
“They tell you what is wrong with the car, and what needs to be immediately fixed, what will need to be fixed in the future, and what is currently running well.”
Family Business
Offers Financing Options
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2006
2735 29th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Westside Garage Llc

Westside Garage Llc

“Where as muffler man on 28th by the mall had my car for a week and did not fix it, also forgot to put two major parts back in my car that Westside Garage made me aware of.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2014
1560 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Floyd's Tire & Auto Repair

Floyd's Tire & Auto Repair

Heater Core Air Conditioning, Wheel Alignment Tires
“I realized I had an almost completely flat tire this morning and after calling at least 4 other tire repair companies I called Floyd's Tires on Beechtree.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2011
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Ricks Garage

Ricks Garage

  • Estimates
  • Vehicles
  • Truck
“I remember years ago when I had a mechanical malfunction in one of my vehicles and Ricks Garage not only informed me of the problem, they made me feel I was in good hands.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1999
6556 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI
Rademaker Auto Repair

Rademaker Auto Repair

  • Painted
  • Job
  • Vehicle
“The company was really courteous to me when I got my first bumper accident, so I really appreciate how they treated me and my car and it only took a few minutes and they were done at no cost the attitudes were perfect I love them I recommend them to ...”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1981
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Parker Brake & Auto Repair

Parker Brake & Auto Repair

“Very efficient and knowledgeable, courteous, fair pricing Services Electrical, Auto engine diagnostic, Vehicle Inspection, Auto battery maintenance, Auto emissions testing, Battery, Service not listed”
Family Business
In Business Since 2021
729 Burton St SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center

Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center

“Had to get my water coolant pump and TBI unit replaced and things didn't work right after my car being worked on just because a small detail was missed but brought it back the following next day and my car was only in shop for 4 says.”
Offers Financing Options
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Coupons & Offers
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
610 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Russ & Rons Auto Service

Russ & Rons Auto Service

  • Mechanic
  • Honest
  • Alternator
“Best mechanic shop I've ever been too honest fair prices can trust these people to help you and be honest about what does and doesn't need to be fixed!”
In Business Since 2017
2145 Alpine Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Park Center Service

Park Center Service

  • Vehicle
  • Prices
“I happened to see a few guys across the street were working after hours on a vehicle so I stopped and asked to use a couple tools in order to put the bolt back in and keep ridin and they were more than happy to help me out and lend me some tools.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1987
1158 Fulton St W, Grand Rapids, MI
Bekins Auto Services Inc

Bekins Auto Services Inc

“They saved us a nice chunk of change with my husband's car when the dealer wanted to do a bunch of repairs and have us put it on a dealership credit card...”
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Boy's Garage

Boy's Garage

“Best mechanics I've ever run across and at a low price as well”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2013
1430 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI

Auto A/C & Heating Services in Grand Rapids, MI Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Average price range is based on 360 cost profiles
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Average Cost $427
Minimum cost $183
Maximum cost $3167

Average range $183 to $975 is based on 360 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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