Best Engine Repair and Replacement in Statesboro, GA

The highest-rated Engine Overhaul & Replacement companies out of 176 vetted & reviewed in the Statesboro area.

Auto Care Services

Auto Care Services

  • Price
“Positive Quality, Professionalism, Value Services Electrical repair, Air & cabin filter replacement, Tires, General repairs & maintenance, Auto engine diagnostic, Auto engine tuning, Engine repair, Brakes, Air conditioning, Oil change”
In Business Since 2002
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
16988 US-301, Statesboro, GA
Talk Dirty Auto Mechanic

Talk Dirty Auto Mechanic

9 Gordon St, Statesboro, GA
Truck & Industrial Inc

Truck & Industrial Inc

A/C, Electrical, Transmissions
“Dan crossed the highway to inspect it, participated in multiple calls with my boss, the other shop, and the part seller to explain the situation and how it should be covered in warranty, and helped set up a tow.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1993
ASE, ASE, ASE Certified
Serving Statesboro Area
RCR Services

RCR Services

“Great work, honest fellas!”
In Business Since 2022
Serving Statesboro Area
Brian's Diesel Performance

Brian's Diesel Performance

  • Honest
“Very nice people and even better customer service.”
In Business Since 2019
Serving Statesboro Area
CTS Industrial

CTS Industrial

  • Truck
“I took my truck into CTS industrials to get overhead done on it and gaskets fixed the man done a very good job and very proud of it my truck run stronger now and it never did”
Serving Statesboro Area
Southeast Georgia Hotrods

Southeast Georgia Hotrods

“Services General repairs & maintenance, Auto engine diagnostic, Auto brake repair, Tire rotations, Engine repair, Brakes, Oil change”
Serving Statesboro Area
Auto Aid

Auto Aid

Diesel Fuel
“She (as well as Julie, Conner and Kim) went above and beyond to help us out of a very bad situation when the engine in our truck blew 20 miles from her shop.”
Offers Financing Options
In Business Since 2007
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Statesboro Area
Friese Repair Services

Friese Repair Services

Serving Statesboro Area
Carma Auto Care Pooler GA

Carma Auto Care Pooler GA

  • Desk
  • Inspection
  • Job
“Professional serviceyes Services Electrical repair, General repairs & maintenance, Auto engine tuning, Tire rotations, Auto rear window replacement, Wheel alignment, Battery”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Coupons & Offers
Family Business
In Business Since 2021
13 Ida J Gadsden Dr, Savannah, GA
H & L Tire and Auto Repair

H & L Tire and Auto Repair

Schedule A Repair, Diagnostic Center
“My kids now use this shop as well Services Tires, General repairs & maintenance, Tire rotations, Wheel alignment, Brakes, Auto tire replacement, Auto maintenance, Oil change, Service not listed”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2010
Offers Financing Options
Serving Statesboro Area
Terwilliger Tire & AG

Terwilliger Tire & AG

Preventative Maintenance, Suspension, Radiator
“Willing to give good price and performance comparison between two brands of tires with similar performance and durability, one brand was a couple of 100 Dollars more expensive than the other brand.”
Coupons & Offers
Family Business
In Business Since 2023
Offers Financing Options
Serving Statesboro Area
Trinity Motorsports

Trinity Motorsports

And From Truck Upgrades to Car Performance, Truck Lift Kit Installation, Our Specialty is Aftermarket Automotive
“We spent no money with him, wouldn't be back in the area, would never be customers since we don't live in the area - but he called anyway to make sure we'd made it to our destination.”
In Business Since 2020
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Statesboro Area
Strickland Automotive and Tire

Strickland Automotive and Tire

  • Review
  • Engine
  • Communication
“My experience was very good I came in with a exhaust problem they were very busy but they got me in and fixed my problem I gave him a five stars everybody else could not even fit me in so I thank you for them doing that I would recommend them to ever...”
In Business Since 2020
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Serving Statesboro Area
Diesel Power Solutions

Diesel Power Solutions

“To sum up the level of professionalism this company provides, I received calls from Rhett (owner) and Brian (shop manager and my mechanic) to verify that my unit was running properly and if I was satisfied.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Statesboro Area
Georgia Diesel Garage LLC

Georgia Diesel Garage LLC

  • f250
  • Powerstroke
  • Vehicle
“Very awesome service and does flawless work couldn't ask a better experience the owner Tyler is very friendly and easy to talk to and explains everything every well”
In Business Since 2020
Serving Statesboro Area
A & L Truck & Trailer Repair

A & L Truck & Trailer Repair

  • Mechanics
“Must say good customer service boss man Mitch would even come out and talk to you, it's really is a One stop Shop, great place to it your Rig Repair in the City.”
4919 Old Louisville Rd, Savannah, GA
Pooler Truck and Auto Repair

Pooler Truck and Auto Repair

“They don't change a bunch of parts just to figure out what's wrong with it, they'll let you know right off the back what you need done to the truck.”
Serving Statesboro Area
Eddie's Small Engine Repair

Eddie's Small Engine Repair

  • Expertise
“They even gave me advice on how to maintain my equipment better moving forward, saving me money down the road”
36b Carol Way, Savannah, GA
Southern Performance

Southern Performance

  • Phone
“Great place to do business!”
Serving Statesboro Area
Performance Diesel Injection

Performance Diesel Injection

“Definitely recommend for all your injection needs.”
Serving Statesboro Area
Mechanical Shop

Mechanical Shop

“Good company to work for...”
Serving Statesboro Area
Auto Intensive Care

Auto Intensive Care

Exhaust Services, Engine Repairs & Replacements, Brake Repairs & Replacements
“Mike Thompson, owner-the most honest automotive repair shop you will find-I really can't say enough about the integrity of this owner-I recommend this shop to anyone who wants to be able to trust that they're being treated fairly!”
In Business Since 2022
Licensed, BBB Accredited
1680 E President St, Savannah, GA
Automotive Services

Automotive Services

“Thanks so much for the generosity and professionalism shown my brother Dave on his recent trip through Savannah, He woke up to find he had a flat tire and called AAA.”
Accepts Debit, All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2007
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Serving Statesboro Area

Engine Repair Services in Statesboro, GA Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Typical price range is based on 544 cost profiles
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Average Cost $1800
Minimum cost $600
Maximum cost $4500
Avg Per Hour Rates $88

Typical range $1550 to $2500 is based on 544 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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