A Message from Preferred Mechanic on COVID-19
At Preferred Mechanic, the health and safety of our customers and pros remain our highest priority.
We have been keeping up to date with the latest developments concerning the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the broader impact it has on the communities we serve. We realize how essential it is to keep your vehicle running smoothly during the current crisis.
Most of the automotive service experts at Preferred Mechanic fall under the definition of critical businesses as defined by the Department of Homeland Security (https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workforce) and have a special responsibility to maintain a normal work schedule.
We are closely following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines and recommendations on the necessary precautions to stay operational for our communities during these difficult times. For car owners, whose needs cannot be delayed, we have compiled suggestions for safe work in a confined environment.
1. Check in advance whether the technician will use a mask and disposable gloves while working inside your vehicle.
Ask if they are using a seat cover, steering wheel cover, and floor mats while servicing your vehicle.
2. Ask your technician if they provide a vehicle pickup and delivery service.
Prefer no contact (online first) service - appointments, estimates, inspection results with photo and video, recommendations, approvals, invoices, and payment - all by text, email, or website.
3. Before returning your vehicle to you, all high-touch surfaces (door handles, gear shift handles, etc.) should be wiped down with a Coronavirus killing disinfectant.
4. Discuss all the details of the work in advance and in as much detail as possible.
To have as little contact with the technician as possible, arrange everything through a chat or over the phone. Expand your use of phone and email correspondence as well as online technologies such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, FaceTime, etc. in favor of face-to-face interactions.
5. Pay by credit card.
This way, you won’t need to transfer cash from hand to hand.
6. Call your repair shop ahead to ensure they are open and following the latest guidelines before visiting.
Take care of yourself and do not hesitate to be careful: remember that all the measures you take to fight the virus are not only a social responsibility but also your safety.
Let us remember to thank our doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers who are risking their health to care for the most vulnerable among us. We truly owe them our gratitude and support.