Best Transmission Fluid Change & Flush Services in Grand Rapids, MI

The highest-rated Transmission Fluid Exchange & Flush companies out of 141 vetted & reviewed in the Grand Rapids area.

Auto Centric

Auto Centric

Auto AC Repair and Recharge, Tire Service and Repair, Brake Service and Repair
“Call them in the morning they got me in at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, they replaced my battery and were efficient and in the time frame they told me.”
Locally Owned & Operated
Family Business
Remote Consultations Available
In Business Since 1984
5355 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Community Automotive Repair

Community Automotive Repair

Tires & Storage, APR Tuning, Schedule Service
“The vibration is almost gone but what I spent money on was the door and they replaced only the motor , the motor as i explainedwas never the issue its the new module i installed.”
Offers Financing Options
In Business Since 1978
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
ASE Certified
846 Fulton St E, Grand Rapids, MI
Leo and Eds

Leo and Eds

General Repairs, Tires - Batteries, Brakes - Exhaust
“Services Transmission, Air & cabin filter replacement, Exhaust, Tires, Steering & suspension repair, Electrical, Auto engine diagnostic, Wheel alignment, Brakes, Air conditioning, Brake service & repair, Battery, Oil change”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1996
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
1576 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Kaz Transmissions

Kaz Transmissions

  • Mechanic
  • Work
  • Truck
“Tip of the hat to Casey and my Tech Nolan for tracking it down and fixing all the issues, and to Casey for helping to ease my anxiety, great job guys and we thank you for your excellent service!”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2015
Accepts Check, All Major Credit Cards, Debit
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
4015 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Transmission Service

Grand Rapids Transmission Service

Fluid and Filter Services, High Performance Rebuilds, Repairs and Replacements
“I can say Grand Rapids transmission beyond made up for the other shops mistakes They finished the repairs in a timely manor and all cost were exactly as quoted!”
In Business Since 2009
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
2121 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Legacy Auto-Tech

Legacy Auto-Tech

  • Inspection
  • Work
  • Diagnosed
“My car was making a funny noise and they told me to just bring my car by so they could test drive it and let me know if it was something to fix urgently!”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1971
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
ASE Certified
2349 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Meekhof Tire

Meekhof Tire

“I used to do all the work to build up our Jeep- often in my mechanic friend's driveway for an extra hand or to bounce questions off of- that is, until I started a business 3 years ago and no longer had as much time for hobbies.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2001
Accepts Check
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
1640 Olson St NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Ervine's Auto Repair

Ervine's Auto Repair

Digital Inspections, Fleet Maintenance, Wiper Blades
“They layout all of the issues present with your vehicle, explain what is necessary and what can wait and let you pick what options for repair that suit your situation best.”
In Business Since 1994
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
ASE, ASE Certified
4311 Stafford Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Jacks Service Center

Jacks Service Center

Oil Change, Customer Service, Engine & Transmission
“I took my car to jacks this morning because my brakes were absolutely shot and I was told they would have it looked at and fixed tomorrow which was ok with me.”
Family Business
In Business Since 1963
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
850 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids, MI
O'Neill Auto & Transmission Service

O'Neill Auto & Transmission Service

Routine Maintenance, Drivetrain & Suspension, Specialty
“The 1st time they test drove my car (I thought it may be a transmission issue), told me nothing was wrong with the transmission, told me to change my plugs, never charged me.”
In Business Since 1964
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
ASE Certified
6749 Old 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Heritage Service Centre

Heritage Service Centre

  • Understanding
  • Quality
  • Team
“At my last visit, they found that a major repair would likely be covered by warranty on my 10 year old car, if I took it to the dealer instead of having them complete it.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1991
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
1044 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Pro Am Collision & Mechanical

Pro Am Collision & Mechanical

Transmissions, Restorations, Engine Repair
“Glad I mentioned a possible bad wheel bearing if i hadn't i would of wasted money on replacing them because they are fine but, found out my transfer case is not.”
Family Business
In Business Since 1989
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
5285 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Russ's Service Garage

Russ's Service Garage

Oil Change, Maintenance, Services List
“I was able to talk to the me mechanic who was the one who fixed it , was able to ask if he noticed anything else that caught his eye that might need attention.”
In Business Since 1937
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Check, Debit, Travelers checks
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
801 Butterworth St SW, Grand Rapids, MI
Cascade Automotive Service

Cascade Automotive Service

Air Conditioning Repair, Cooling System Flush & Fill, Transmission Service
“On another occasion when an emergency repair was needed the main Nissan dealer on 28th street quoted well over $1000 for on-the-spot repair and several parts extra.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 1987
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
6751 Old 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
All Auto Services

All Auto Services

Car Diagnostics, Power Steering Fluid Replacement, Oil Changing & Preventative Maintenance
“My 2018 Subaru Outback is my baby and I have only brought him to All Auto for minor services, but each time they have been very nice over the phone and professional in person.”
Coupons & Offers
In Business Since 2007
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
1234 Ball Ave NE #3, Grand Rapids, MI
Bob's Transmissions

Bob's Transmissions

Differentials, Transmissions, Standard Transmissions
“They could have gouged and unknowing customer, instead, they said we have no money to be made here and we diagnosed it at no charge to you 3 years later!!”
Family Business
In Business Since 1988
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
3220 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Thomsons Auto Repair Inc.

Thomsons Auto Repair Inc.

“Thompsons has done it once again and fixed my vehicle in a timely fashion and the prices are very fair I'll always bring my car here and the guys are so nice highly recommend these quality mechanics Services Brakes”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2009
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
1850 28th St SE suite 200, Grand Rapids, MI
East Beltline Towing and Service Inc

East Beltline Towing and Service Inc

  • DJ
  • House
  • Tire
“These guys are good they got there with a half hour or less they even took my car to the repair shop with they dont usually do I didn't catch the guys name but he was really nice he's the one who towed the silver jeep at gaslight village if that help...”
In Business Since 2009
Emergency Services
5277 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Coit Auto Care

Coit Auto Care

  • Know
  • Oil
  • Job
“I was so impressed by their services my car was repaired the next day so the service was quick and durable I definitely will recommend their services and the price is reasonable and really care and take pride in their work.”
In Business Since 1995
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
3034 Coit Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
Best Price Auto Repair

Best Price Auto Repair

  • Job
  • Prices
  • Vehicles
“Really good place to get your car looked at they work with you very aunest on what's going on with your car they good very good parts over all one of the best places in Grand Rapids mi go chek them out you wont be disappointed 🙂 …”
In Business Since 2014
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
46 Hall St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Motorcar Service

Grand Rapids Motorcar Service

Financing, Nationwide Warranty
“Positive Punctuality, Quality, Professionalism, Value Services Transmission, Electrical repair, Steering & suspension repair, General repairs & maintenance, Auto engine diagnostic, Engine repair, Wheel alignment, A/C installation & repair, Oil change”
Family Business
In Business Since 2006
Coupons & Offers
Offers Financing Options
2735 29th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Westside Garage Llc

Westside Garage Llc

“During my drive I noticed that the car still seemed a little wobbly during highway travel and called asking for this to be resolved since I was really frustrated that after spending a good lump sum the car didn't appear to handle as well as I'd hoped...”
In Business Since 2014
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
1560 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Haven Automotive (Formerly Thompson's Automotive)

Haven Automotive (Formerly Thompson's Automotive)

  • Tires
  • Diagnosed
  • Oil
“I loved the software app they used to review diagnostics and cost, and I was able to verify and sign for repairs before they started so I knew what was being done!”
In Business Since 2016
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Floyd's Tire & Auto Repair

Floyd's Tire & Auto Repair

Wheel Alignment Tires, Heater Core Air Conditioning
“After we arrived home and called Floyd's, they gave us an 8:30 appointment for the following day May 9th, they fixed the problem, and the bill was not what we expected, only $40 to balance and rotate the tires and we were out in 40 minutes.”
In Business Since 2009
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
Serving Grand Rapids Area

Transmission Maintenance Services in Grand Rapids, MI Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Fair price range is based on 252 cost profiles
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Average Cost $183
Minimum cost $98
Maximum cost $305

Fair range $122 to $232 is based on 252 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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